Welcome to W.H.Y Women Helping Youth.
Here for you! W.H.Y?
We are here to help YOU.
There is no reason to be afraid to reach out, we can catch you.
There is no reason to be afraid to reach out, we can catch you.
We've linked you to websites that might help you (:
Teen Suicide: -http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/suicide.html This website informs you on teen suicide. it explains the statistics behind teen suicide. http://jasonfoundation.com/prp/facts/youth-suicide-statistics/ https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ https://www.helpguide.org/articles/suicide-prevention/suicide-help-dealing-with-your-suicidal-thoughts-and-feelings.htm YOUTUBE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw5vyJ30djM&sns=em RESOURCESLGBTQ:
http://www.hrc.org/resources/talking-with-kids-about-lgbt-issues -This site explains ways to talk to children about LGBTQ explaining to them that there is nothing wrong with the same gender, it's perfectly okay, and there is no disrespect to people's religion in anyway http://lgbt.ie/about/what-is-lgbt? -This site explains LGBTQ in a bit more in detail, it breaks down what each letter means, for example L is for lesbian G is for gay B is for bisexual so on and so forth. LGBTQ doesnt seem to be a choice it seems as though you are already born to be with that sort of personality, you DON’T wake up one morning and tell yourself , hey! It seems like a good day to be lesbian or gay. www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/what-you-should-know-about-lgbtq -This site also breaks down what each letter means in a bit more of detail. http://everydayfeminism.com/2012/07/8-things-to-support-lgbtq-friend/ -8 things your LGBTQ friend what’s you to know before coming out. www.dosomething.org/facts/11-facts-lgbt-life-america -11 facts about LGBTQ, things to to know that you didn’t know before TEEN PREGNANCYRESOURCES-parenthood.org
It introduces pregnancy testing and related services, women's healthcare, aboration, std testing, general health care, and more -childwelfare.gov Provides alot of information that can help guide you -www.pregnancy.lovetoknow.com This website give you information about any pregnancy sypmtoms. it also gives you scientific research on certain topics. -www.generationher.org This non-profit organization operates in southern California. it empowers teen mothers ages 13-23. This organization connects teen mothers to a supportive community of teen mothers. -www.teenpregnancystatistics.org This website gives stattistics on teen pregnancy and it also gives parents of expecting teens statistics. |
Depression is something that can interfere with a persons life making them feel strong feelings of sadness and and hoplessness for long periods of time, you begin to lose interest in going out and communicating in any kinf of activites, and all this can actually cause physical symtoms as well as loss of apitite and sleeping problems and in some cases feelings of pain. Teen depression is a big deal life is a beautiful thing and things like this shouldnt be taken to lightly, people live and they go through problems that to us are invisible because we arent there seeing, feeling, and hearing the same things they are. The LGBTQ community is HUGE now ! there are people who are happy with their lives and all of us in W.H.Y. coulnt be happier, but the sad truth is that there are syill people out there who dont like the choices of others that hapt to do with the same sex partners, there is still a lot of hate going around, insults towars same sex couples ofcorse anything like that could bring people down making them feel weak and volnerable. we want to make sure tht everyone feels accepted no matter what gender the judging has to stop, people are people and there is no reason why anyone should feel less. |